Church Pension Group | CPG Connect - Meet Our New Trustees
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Meet Our New Trustees

October 22, 2024

CPG Connect

Our eight newly elected members of The Church Pension Fund Board of Trustees (CPF Board) include priests, bishops, and lay leaders with backgrounds in finance, law, and the nonprofit sector. They join the four trustees who were reelected to the CPF Board by the 81st General Convention and 13 continuing trustees, and we are thrilled to have them with us.

The CPF Board, with input from CPG’s Executive Leadership Team, oversees the strategic direction of The Church Pension Fund and the consortium of businesses that make up the Church Pension Group (CPG). It is responsible for making policy decisions that affect investment strategy, pensions, and other benefits and services, while ensuring that the organization’s financial picture remains strong.

In September, our newest trustees participated in an intensive daylong orientation with a deep dive into CPG’s financial management, lines of business, investment strategy, trustees’ legal duties, and more. Their enthusiasm and commitment to advancing our work were reflected in the conversations and discussions throughout the day and during the board meetings that followed. We welcome them again and thank them for their service.

Headshot of The Rt. Rev. Diana Akiyama

The Rt. Rev. Diana Akiyama
Bishop, The Episcopal Church in
Western Oregon
Portland, OR
(Elected 2024)

Headshot of Michael Barlowe

The Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, DD
Executive Officer of the General Convention 
New York, NY
(Elected 2024)

Headshot of Bill Boyce

Bill Boyce, CPA, MSA
Investment Coordinator, Trustees of Donations to the Protestant Episcopal Church
South Bedford, MA
(Elected 2024)

Headshot of Sharon Brown-Veillard

Sharon Brown-Veillard, Esq.
Partner, Barclay Damon LLP
New York, NY
(Elected 2024)

Headshot of Alexizendria "Zena" Link

Alexizendria "Zena" Link
Trustee, The Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts
Waltham, MA
(Elected 2024)

Headshot of The Rev. Leon Sampson

The Rev. Leon Sampson
Curate, Good Shepherd Mission
The Episcopal Church in Navajoland
Fort Defiance, AZ
(Elected 2024)

headshot of The Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Brown Snook

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Brown Snook
Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
San Diego, CA
(Elected 2024)

Headshot of The Rev. Molly Weiss

The Rev. Molly Weiss
Assistant Clergy, Christ Episcopal Church
Woodbury, MN
(Elected 2024)

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