Church Pension Group | Where is Your Money Going?

Where Is Your Money Going?


Sticking to a budget may not be as difficult as you think. The key is to identify and manage your fixed expenses, as well as discretionary expenses.  Tracking your discretionary spending can be challenging, but we’ll provide tips and tools to help you identify, track, and manage these expenses with ease.  The most important step is to get started!


Credit and Debit Cards

When is the last time you paid for a purchase with cash? Using credit and debit cards for financial transactions is convenient and easy. However, the convenience and ease can lead to overspending, overdraft fees, and high interest-rate loans that can harm your credit score. Understand the appropriate use of debit and credit cards and how to manage your credit card debt.


Identity Theft

It’s the crime of our era, and it worries us all. How can you protect yourself and your family? What should you do if your information has been stolen or caught up in a data breach? Learn how to protect yourself and what steps to take if it happens to you.


Other Household Debt

Have you ever taken out a mortgage or a car loan? Using debt can be an effective way to complement your cash flow and purchase items so that the cost comfortably fits into your budget. Having a good credit score is important to obtaining this debt at lower interest rates. Learn about effective uses of mortgages, car loans and leases, and maintaining a good credit score.


Student Loans

An undergraduate or graduate degree can be a necessary, yet expensive, investment in your career. Many students use a variety of loans to pay for tuition and other education expenses and then face the long-term task of repaying the loans once they leave college. Understanding the types of loans available, how interest is charged, and the available repayment options can help students affordably finance the education they desire.


Managing Your Cash Flow

Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Do you find yourself using your credit card to tide you until the next payday? Do you ever wonder, “where is my money going” or “why can’t I save”? Perhaps, it is just a matter of learning how to manage your cash flow instead of letting your cash flow manage you. Try these 10 tips for managing your cash flow and putting yourself in the driver’s seat!