Rights, Usage, and FAQs

What's up with these cartoons, anyway?
The Rev. Jay Sidebotham's cartoons have received such a warm response from our web users that we've made them a regular feature of this site. These cartoons are our way of sharing this wonderful and humorous resource with the wider church. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
Can I use St. Swithin's cartoons on my personal or non-profit church/company/school website?
Yes, you may, provided that:
- The cartoon is reproduced in its complete, unedited form, including a link to its page on our web site, and including the complete copyright notice. You may use a thumbnail, or smaller, image to link to the full-size cartoon.
- The cartoon is not used in any way that might suggest that the Church Pension Fund endorses any organization or program.
- The cartoon is not used by any for-profit organization or in connection with any for-profit activities.
I want to link to your site. How should I do this?
Please link to the following web page: www.cpg.org/global/online-resources/cartoons/. We reserve the right to request the termination of any link to our site for any reason, and you agree to comply with any such request.
My non-profit church/company/school wants to use a cartoon in a non-profit newsletter/presentation/memo. Is this OK?
Yes, you may, provided that:
- The cartoon is reproduced in its complete, unedited form, including the complete copyright notice.
- The cartoon is not used in any way that might suggest that the Church Pension Fund endorses any organization or program.
- The cartoon is not used by any for-profit organization or in connection with any for-profit activities.
My non-profit church/company/school wants to use a cartoon on a t-shirt, coffee mug, sticker, or some other item. Is this OK?
No, not unless we give you specific, written permission to do so. To request permission, please submit a written request to us, briefly describing your organization and your intended use. We reserve the right to refuse such requests for any reason, and we reserve the right to grant such requests on any conditions that we deem appropriate.
My for-profit organization wants to use a cartoon. Is this OK?
No, not unless we give you specific, written permission to do so. To request permission, please submit a written request to us, briefly describing your organization and your intended use. We reserve the right to refuse such requests for any reason, and we reserve the right to grant such requests on any conditions that we deem appropriate.
I'm having trouble sending a cartoon to a friend, using your website interface.
Just right click the cartoon and choose "Send Link."
Contacting the cartoonist...
You can find contact information for the Rev. Jay Sidebotham on the "About the Artist" section of this cartoons site. From the Contact Us page, you can send an email to the CPG webmaster and we will forward it on to Fr. Sidebotham.
Reservation of rights
The usage policies described on this page are intended only to set forth the conditions under which we will grant you a non-exclusive license to copy and, in some cases, distribute St. Swithin's cartoons. We reserve all rights to the cartoons not granted on this page, and we reserve the right to terminate any license granted pursuant to this page for any reason or for no reason and without any liability to you.