Be Part of the Picture
A diverse picture of The Episcopal Church is coming into focus
and we want to make sure that all clergy are a part of it.
Follow these three easy steps to provide your information:
1. Log in to MyCPG Accounts
2. Click "Clergy Information"
3. Go to “Church Reporting”
Becoming Beloved Community
The Church Pension Group (CPG), as the Recorder of Ordinations, is collecting data on race, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation from all clergy on a voluntary basis.
This is in support of The Episcopal Church’s Becoming Beloved Community initiative and resolutions passed by the 79th General Convention.
In order for the Recorder of Ordinations to provide a full understanding of the demographic diversity of clergy—bishops, priests, and deacons who are actively employed, retired, and non-stipendiary—all clergy should participate.

Presiding Bishop Michael B. CurryThis gives us a snapshot of who we are. This really can help us along the journey to truly becoming God’s Beloved Community.

How Clergy Information Will Be Used
Today’s Episcopal Church is very different from the Church of even a few years ago, and it continues to evolve in exciting ways.
Documenting the changing demographic makeup of our clergy will provide a better understanding of the changing nature of the community by identifying trends in ordination, deployment, and compensation, as well as in Episcopal elections.
Ultimately, this will help in the Church’s initiative to create a more just, equitable, and diverse Church.

The Rev. Canon Stephanie SpellersIt's important that we know how the racial makeup of the clergy, how the gender makeup of our clergy, how the sexual orientation of our clergy connect with the varying demographics of the communities we serve.

Protecting Your Personal Data
Information you provide regarding race, ethnicity, gender identification, and sexual orientation will appear only in the “Clergy Information” section in your individual MyCPG Account, and you can update it at any time. Learn more about MyCPG Accounts.
We will use all personal data regarding your race, ethnicity, gender identification, and sexual orientation only for analysis, and we will report it in aggregate form. We will not publish or display this data on any public-facing CPG website or print it in the Episcopal Clerical Directory, and we will keep it separate from data used to administer benefits.
All data, including on race/ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation, collected by CPG is subject to CPG’s Privacy Policy.

The Rev. Clayton D. Crawley, Executive Vice President, Chief Church Relations OfficerThis part of Becoming Beloved Community is creating a wider road towards that place where all are counted as people on the Way. Black, White, Gay, Straight, Male, Female, Non-Binary—any of those labels and the multitude of others can be isolating on their own, but taken together, bound together, we form the Body of Christ in the world and it is marvelous to behold. I am excited in playing a small part in making this happen. I hope you will join me.
Supporting the 79th General Convention Resolutions
The relevant resolutions that support the collection of this data were passed by the 79th General Convention.
The focus is on these areas:
- Understanding clergy compensation by race and gender identity (Resolution C029 and Resolution D037)
- Capturing racial and ethnic data about Episcopal elections and clergy compensation (Resolution D005)
- Gathering annual deployment and compensation data for LGBT and gender nonbinary clergy (Resolution D069).

Be Part of the Picture
Follow these three easy steps to provide your information:
1. Log onto MyCPG Accounts
2. Click "Clergy Information"
3. Go to “Church Reporting”
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