Church Pension Group | Data-Driven Discussions

Data-Driven Discussions

By analyzing data on the changing nature of the Church, the Research & Data group helps CPG’s business and corporate units adapt its products and services to the needs of Episcopal clergy and lay employees.

Episcopal Data Presentation 2023

Matthew Price, SVP, Research & Data at CPG, the Rev. Meghan Froehlich, Director of the Office for Transition Ministry, and the Rev. Molly James, Deputy Executive Officer of General Convention, hosted a data-driven discussion about the present and the future of the Church.

Understanding the Church

Whether through research, conferences, or meetings, CPG acts intentionally to ensure that it understands the emerging trends and needs of the Church so that it can remain proactive in its service to those who serve the Church. 

Trends in Ministry

Discover how data from bishops, priests, and deacons on race, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation illuminates trends in ordination, deployment, and compensation that could affect how the Church carries out its ministry. 

Retirement Readiness of Lay Employees

CPG’s Research & Data team hosted the Understanding Lay Retirement Readiness webinar to discuss insights from its research on Episcopal Church lay employee retirement readiness. 

Episcopal Clergy Financial Capability Assessment Study 2020

The Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center at the George Washington University School of Business surveyed Episcopal clergy, evaluating their financial capability and knowledge regarding retirement planning, debt management, and financial literacy. The results were discussed in a webinar hosted by CPG.

Episcopal Lay Financial Capability Assessment Study 2021

We collaborated with George Washington University to better understand how lay employees of The Episcopal Church are handling their finances and financial literacy versus other working professionals.

2023 Clergy Compensation Report

In response to several resolutions, the 2023 Clergy Compensation Report and its predecessors explore ordination, deployment, and compensation trends related to race, gender, and ethnicity through demographic data. 

English | Español

2023 Bishops Compensation Report

Each year, we provide an update on the Bishops Compensation Report, which explores the compensation ranges of bishops across The Episcopal Church.


Lay Employment and Compensation Report

In response to several resolutions, we have prepared the Lay Employment and Compensation Report. Learn how lay employee compensation differs by job type, gender, and geography by reading the report below.  

English  | Español | Français | 國語