Church Pension Group | Reports and Resolutions
Reports and Resolutions

Reports and Resolutions

Updates on our work since the 2022 General Convention

Blue Book Report of the Board of Trustees of The Church Pension Fund 

This Blue Book reviews the work of The Church Pension Fund and its three lines of business since the last General Convention.

English  |  Espanol

CPG’s Response to Resolution A129 - Conduct Historical Research on DFMS Assets Tied to Racial Injustice

Resolution 2022-A129  urged the Church Pension Group (CPG) to conduct historical research on the origins and sources of its assets and to report its findings to its constituents.

English  | Español | Français | 國語

The Church Pension Fund Sustainability Report

This response to Resolution 2022-A089 provides information on The Church Pension Fund’s work, alongside the Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility, to use our collective voices as shareholders to encourage financial institutions to align their financing activities to achieve greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. 

English  | Español | Français | 國語

Responses to the General Convention

Additional resolution responses can be found here.

Additional Reports

2022 Denominational Health Plan Annual Report

Each year we provide an update on the Denomination Health Plan, which is helping domestic dioceses, parishes, and other ecclesiastical institutions control the rising costs of health care.

English | Español

2023 Clergy Compensation Report

In response to several resolutions, the 2023 Clergy Compensation Report and its predecessors explore ordination, deployment, and compensation trends related to race, gender, and ethnicity through demographic data.

English | Español

2023 Bishops Compensation Report

Each year, we provide an update on the Bishops Compensation Report, which explores the compensation ranges of bishops across The Episcopal Church. 


Lay Employment and Compensation Report

In response to several resolutions, we have prepared the Lay Employment and Compensation Report. Learn how lay employee compensation differs by job type, gender, and geography by reading the report below.

English  | Español | Français | 國語

Investigation of Pension Parity

Resolution 2018-A237 urged The Church Pension Fund to examine lay, clergy and international pension disparities with a focus on income inequality across gender, racial, and ethnic lines.

Create a Task Force on the Relationship of The Episcopal Church and The Church Pension Fund

Resolution 2018-A60 asked CPF and the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church to study the historical and current relationship of The Episcopal Church and CPF to offer greater clarity on their respective roles, responsibilities, and authority. The Executive Council and CPF issued a joint report on this study.  

Report to House of Deputies Committee on the State of the Church, Church Pension Group Subcommittee

This 2017 report responds to a series of questions submitted by the subcommittee and addresses CPG’s relationship to the Church, its pension and health benefits programs, financial sustainability, and investment strategy.